Episode 14 - Creating New Things


This episode is packed with substance. I'm talking to you about what it really takes to create new things. And it's not what you think. 

Join me as I break down what needs to really happen in order for us to create the results we want in our lives. 

For coaching consultations email me at [email protected]

Show Transcript Below:

Episode 14 – Creating New Things

Happy New Year!!! Happy 2020. I hope you had an amazing New Years Eve – I’m recording this a few days before New Years Eve but my husband and I just have some pretty low key plans to join some friends at a restaurant here in Canada called Lonestar and then we will have them over at our place to enjoy some New Year Celebrations and we will probably do some karaoke since that has been our favourite thing to do with these particular friends of ours. So I’m very much looking forward to that. And I trust you had a beautiful New Years Eve.

So We are talking today about creating...

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Episode 13 - Why I don't believe in "SURVIVING" the Holidays

Show Transcript Below:

Why I don’t believe in surviving Podcast Episode 13

It is the holiday season and after a couple weeks away from the podcast, I am excited and fired up about today’s episode. It’s going to come out on Christmas day and it’s perfect because I know that Christmas and the New Year are times of deep emotion and deep reflection.

AND I know that a lot of you really struggle with some sadness and some heaviness and some emotional stuff during the holiday season. And this podcast episode is designed to help you with that and to enlighten you and heighten your awareness about how you view your journey in this life and in this world.

So - I want to talk about why I don’t believe in the concept or the idea, or the mindset of surviving the holiday season. I’m seeing a lot of stuff pop up online about the holiday survival guide,  And why I think this mindset keeps people stuck in emotional pain, keeps people from feeling...

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About Power..

Power comes through all kinds of vessels
The vessel can crack
It can break right open
Sometimes that’s necessary
Other times the vessel is flexible
It moves with the force - with the energy 
Ebbing and flowing

Our job is never to wonder and contemplate how it’s going to come up - our power. 

How it’s going to show up for us in our lives.....

Our job is to trust that the power is there. 


And it might have to move through some emotional heaviness and fear and shame and uncertainty.

But it’s there. It’s emerging

As you release.

And it will do what it needs to do to come out and to emerge

And 99.999999% of our job is to allow it through


And if you break and crack while your power is coming through, that’s okay.

That’s all part of it. 

So if you’ve been struggling to find your voice

To be seen

To live from your heart and embody the queen energy that was meant for you...


If you feel...

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Episode 11 - Knowledge Vs. Awareness


In this episode, I’m talking about the difference between knowledge and awareness.

If you wonder why you “KNOW” what to do, but don’t do it, then I’ll share with you the missing link to making powerful change in your life using the beautiful work of awareness.

E-mail [email protected]


Knowledge vs. Awareness Podcast 

I want to talk today about the beauty of awareness and how awareness, true awareness differs from knowledge, intellectual knowing. I believe that when you get into awareness, the realm of deep awareness, you are actually entering the realm of consciousness, of seeing, and of realization. And I believe that whenever you are looking to make lasting change in your life, when you are transforming in any way, you must start with awareness.

Most people start with action.  And so they may intellectually know something - they may know what to do, what action to take and they can write it on a piece of...

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Episode 10 - Emotional Preparation


Show Transcript Below 
Podcast Episode 10
Emotional Preparation

 Throughout my work, I’ve really sort of zoned in completely on emotional health and what I call emotional richness. I am realizing that there’s such a deep need for this work in the world, and I am loving sharing what I have learned, and the concepts that I’ve been developing for my own life and even concepts others have taught me that have allowed me to create an emotional life that is constantly developing in richness and in complexity and in depth. And as a result of that it’s also developed in joy. Because I have found over the past 10 years or so since I have been doing emotional health work that even though there have been some things that I have had to clear, or some more complicated and complex emotions I’ve had to work through, I have always found better health all around, not even just emotionally but holistically through deepening my capacity to feel my...

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The MOST Important Secret to Self-Care and Achieving Anything of Value...

I’ll tell you an important secret to making lasting, deep change. The kind of change required to really shake up your identity and call new experiences into your life that you ACTUALLY want.

You have to separate your self-worth from what it is that you’re doing. You cannot link the two together.

First, you accept that you are 100% loveable and worthy and that you are whole as you are. AND THEN… you set about achieving what you desire (healing, emotional health, weight loss, new relationships). 

You’re not healing because it will make you worthy.
You’re not losing weight to make you more worthy.
You’re not getting a new job or starting a business because it will make you worthy. You’re not meditating because it will make you more worthy.
You’re not going to yoga and lifting weights because it will make you more worthy.
You're not working on your communication skills because it will make you more worthy. 
You're not getting...

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Episode 9 Emotional Honesty

Show Transcript Below: 

Emotional Honesty Podcast
So the past couple weeks we talked about high-functioning anxiety and high-functioning depression so this is really a three-part series. So, if you’d like to you can go back and listen to those two episodes before this one. But this one, as promised is the third part to those and it’s about healing high-functioning anxiety and high functioning depression.

And I believe that emotional honesty is truly what heals us, what helps us integrate our lives, what helps us get out of cycles and patterns and trauma re-enactments. I believe that we spend our whole lives deepening our emotional honesty and our ability to truly be who we are and be authentic which, I mean authentic is like a word I’m starting to hate these days just because it’s such a buzz word now.  But it applies to this conversation that we’ve been having on the podcast about depression and anxiety and healing from these things.


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Episode 7 - High-Functioning Depression

High - Functioning Depression Podcast

What is high-functioning depression?

High-functioning depression is essentially when you are a high-functioning person who is depressed.  So you have a life that looks good, and feels good some or most of the time but inside you feel completely depressed and you even have the symptoms of depression.


Pushing your life forward despite feeling disconnected, exhausted, and heavy

  • Intense imposter syndrome and fraud complex 
  • Working past your limits to overcompensate for a lack of self-worth/emptiness
  • Perfectionism 
  • Feeling empty, dark, despondent when alone
  • Using closet addictions to manage a sense of emptiness, or to run away from pain
  • Fear of sharing your emotional world or true self - fear of appearing anything but happy 
  • Inner-Conflict - feeling of being at war with yourself 
  • Feeling unworthy of life 
  • Perpetuating an image of a perfect/put together life. 
  • Chronic Fatigue/Brain Fog
  • Fear of being truly...
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You Just Can't Do It

That gnawing feeling that you just can't. 
You just can't. 

I remember sitting across from my therapist years ago and saying to her: 
"I just can't... I can't... I can't do this"

I was referring to everything. weight loss. life itself. It felt so real. The paradox of feeling like you'll die if you keep going but also feeling dead because you can't move forward. And then still pushing yourself anyway. 


In that raw moment together - where I revealed to her my truest sense. My truest emotion - or the emotion that FELT truest, I felt like I was in a pool of liquid and the liquid was me. 

She didn't say much, all she said was "but you can". 

Not sure if it was because no one ever said that to me before, or if it was because I finally let my super-ego guard down and admitted to her, myself, and God how I REALLY felt. Honestly. And truly felt. 

But those three words changed me. They changed my life. The realization came over me like a wave and a...

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What to do When Healing Gives You Grief

A Major component of my recovery/healing from Complex PTSD was the experience of grief.

Grieving was an experience that I kept away from myself for many, many years. It felt safer to berate and judge and shame myself:
“I should be over this by now”
“What’s wrong with me?”
“I just need to get over it and move on”
“I don’t have time to cry about my childhood”

I didn’t know a thing about compassion.
About witnessing and holding myself.
About the sacred practice of pouring out the pain.
I didn’t know that what I truly needed was a space to grieve. I didn’t know that the grief experience which I so feared, would actually help my integrate and heal.

I had internalized the shaming messages from years of abandonment, parental betrayal, neglect, and abuse. Shaming myself kept all that pain of deep despair at bay. I preferred the more familiar pain of criticizing myself and pushing myself to keep going. I feared being...

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